Sep 16, 2009

quick update

First off, sorry for not posting a clip this week, we (Joel/David) are in the process of moving which has taken up a whole bunch of our time plus the usual touch up work we are doing on the project. We will try to get something to you this weekend.

Ok, as for the project is concerned we have decided to release the film on our upcoming website as a digital download (iphone/ipod compatible) with the purchase of the album (It will come with a download code) For you that are not capable of downloading the film we will work something out with you in order to get you a copy.

As for the release goes we are still working out through some issues that continue to arise. We are still targeting a mid October release for both the film and album.

I hope this comes as good news to you, I mean come on! It's almost there, October is not far away and you can buy it as an early Christmas present for all your friends and family! BOOM!


Joel and David

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